Apologetics Press
For more than 30 years Apologetics Press has published and disseminated materials for self study, group study, or evangelistic purposes. Topics range from evidences supporting the Christian Faith to highly controversial areas that challenge that Faith.
Christian Courier
The Christian Courier began as a small Bible study journal mailed to readers each month. It is written for average Christians — to help them become more knowledgeable in God’s Word, to fortify their faith in the Savior, and to equip them for defending the truth and living righteously in a sinful world.
Georgia School of Preaching and Biblical Studies
GSOP is a tuition free, Bible-based, school designed to prepare not only preachers, but all Christians, for more effective and fruitful service in the Lord’s church.
Georgia School of Theology
GST operates as a non-profit educational institution in association with the Georgia School of Preaching and Biblical Studies (GSOP) and the churches of Christ. GST provides college-level Bible and leadership instruction to train preachers, teachers, and leaders to faithfully serve in the Lord’s church.
Gospel Broadcasting Network
Gospel Broadcasting Network is a non-profit organization that provides Bible-based and unbiased resources from the Word of God seven days a week, 365 days a year to teach and share with believers and potential believers. We offer free radio, live stream videos, Bible correspondence courses, audio podcasts and daily devotional resources to all viewers.
History of the Restoration Movement
This website is dedicated to the many men and women who have struggled in the Restoration Of New Testament Christianity, to take us back to the Bible, and to let it be our only standard of faith and practice.
House to House and Heart to Heart
This site contains many articles and videos dealing with a wide variety of Bible matters. Topics include "Eternity," "The Family," "The Godhead," "The Church," and many more.
In Search of the Lord’s Way
Search’s ministry remains dedicated to its five-fold purpose: to take the Way of salvation to thousands who live right among us; to light a candle in the darkness of immorality; to resist the materialism and humanism that is choking the faith and spirituality out of so many people; to restore credibility to the religion of Christ that has been diminished in many religious programs; to tell your friends that the church of Christ is not dead, but that it is very much alive and that we care.
Memphis School of Preaching
MSOP, the oldest school of preaching east of the Mississippi River, completed its fiftieth year of distinctive service in 2016. The school has maintained a clear sense of where it has been with a clear purpose of where it is going. MSOP continues to set the pace in training sound, competent preachers of the Gospel by offering the same intensive, distinctive, academic program, with the same solid, scriptural direction, while emphasizing the same rigorous, quality education and training which have inspired the trust of brethren for decades.
Sound Bible Studies
Free downloadable Bible study books, articles, poetry, one minute devotionals and more.
Truth for the World
We are a global evangelism work utilizing media ministries (TV, Radio, Publications, and Internet) and personal ministries (Bible Correspondence Courses and mission trips). We are overseen by the elders of the Bethel Springs Church of Christ in Bethel Springs, Tennessee.